Sunday School Classes (Fall 2024)

Meet the Pastor
Led by Pastor Tony Felich
Room 42 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary

For six weeks of the quarter, Pastor Tony introduces visitors and regular attendees to Redeemer, covering topics such as the history, leadership, theology, and ministries of Redeemer.

1 Samuel Part 2
Taught by Charlie Long
Room 43 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary 

The books of Samuel make up an expertly structured narrative; but because it is historical narrative, it reveals an expertly structured history. In it God shows us the inescapable certainty of his direction of human events, along with some of the complexity of it. The books of Samuel are packed with complicated characters, most notably Samuel, Saul, and David, through whom are demonstrated the ways of God with man, the attempted ways of man with God, and God’s covenant faithfulness. This class will cover the second half of 1st Samuel.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Led by Pastor Nathan Currey
Room 44 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary

This video and discussion class is based on the book that’s been available for the last two decades and serves as a profoundly biblical approach to our calling as parents. We must learn how to speak to the heart of our children as what our children do and say flows from the heart Luke 6:45.

Knowing Scripture
Led by a rotation of Elders
Room 45 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary

Knowing Scripture shows us that it is the privilege and duty of every believer to diligently study God’s Word. It reminds us that along with this privilege comes the responsibility to interpret the Bible correctly. Dr. R.C. Sproul teaches that interpreting Scripture, like all sciences, is governed by rules. He lays out the basic guidelines for correctly understanding, interpreting, and applying Scripture, using time-tested principles from Scripture to show how to find the true meaning of its contents. This series is a great study tool for both beginning and long-time Bible readers.

Crisis in Confidence
Taught by Elder Lance Kinzer
Room 46 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary

At Redeemer we use creeds and confessions as a standard for church government, as a means of teaching the faith, and as an aid in offering praise to God in corporate worship. But is the use of creeds really biblical? In his book Crisis of Confidence: Reclaiming the Historic Faith in a Culture Consumed with Individualism and Identity, Carl Trueman offers an analysis of why creeds and confessions are necessary, how they have developed over time, and how they best function within the church. Trueman engages with common evangelical concerns, while also offering encouragement to those seeking to make the best possible use of creeds and confessions as aids to giving Glory to God in all aspects of our life together as the church. Whether you are brand new to Presbyterianism, or have made use of creeds all your life, Trueman’s book will help stimulate your thinking about, and use of, our rich confessional tradition.
