Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM
Parental Recap of Week 5 [24/25]
Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Topic: Words
Initial Discussion (at church)
When coming to God in worship, the Preacher says we may have two different postures. The posture of a foolish person is to be quick to act (“offer the sacrifice,” v. 1) and speak (“rash” and “hasty”, v.2) before God. However, the posture of a wise worshiper is to “draw near to listen” (v.1). Gibson writes, “we are geared to speak and to act much more than we are to listen. But listening to God – more than doing things for God – is the path of wisdom. Listening to God is the primary sacrificial act of spiritual worship of the true believer.”
God is in heaven and we are on earth (v. 2). “We are limited, time-bound, and frail while God is strong, eternal, and infinitely wise.” Therefore, when we worship God, we must guard our steps (v. 1) not to let “habit and custom and familiar routine become rote and superficial”. Dream less of the pleasures you seek in this world. Speak less of the knowledge you impart to the Lord and others. Rather, fear God and submit more to His Word. (v. 7). And may the “living and active” word of God (Heb. 4:12) transform us daily into the image of Christ.
Continued Discussion (at home)
1. “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Sam 15:22). Describe some situations in which you tend to be more ready to do something for God than to listen to God.
2. Describe how you would react if you saw an unexpected present, wrapped up and sitting on your bed. Is this our posture towards the Bible? Do we see God’s Word more as a gift or a burden? Why?
3. Imagine you were less rash and listened better, especially in spiritual conversations or at church. What might be the benefit to you? To others?
4. Pray that God would soften our hearts to be humble listeners and strengthen our hearts to see the sweetness of His Word (Ps. 19:10).
Categories: Parental Recap