Worship: July 14, 2024

But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him. - Habakkuk 2:20

Morning Worship Service

  • On Sunday, July 14th, Pastor Nathan continued his sermon series in Philippians. Service times were 8:30 and 11:00 AM.

    8:30 AM Early Worship Service
    10:00 AM Sunday School
    11:00 AM Late Worship Service
    6:00 PM Evening Prayer & Study

    Preaching: Rev. Nathan Currey (Sermon Audio PageOther Sermons)

    Worship Hymns:
    Hymn of Adoration: # 117 The Spacious Firmament on High
    Hymn or Spiritual Songs: # 32 Great is Thy Faithfulness
    Hymn of Response: # 565 All for Jesus!
    Dismissal Hymn: # 342 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (5)

Sunday Evening Gathering

  • All were welcomed to join us at 6:00 PM for a time of fellowship, worshiping, praising, and praying for one another. One of our Missionaries shared about their ministry this evening.

  • On Sunday, July 14th, Pastor Nathan continued his sermon series in Philippians. Service times were 8:30 and 11:00 AM.

    8:30 AM Early Worship Service
    10:00 AM Sunday School
    11:00 AM Late Worship Service
    6:00 PM Evening Prayer & Study

    Preaching: Rev. Nathan Currey (Sermon Audio PageOther Sermons)

    Worship Hymns:
    Hymn of Adoration: # 117 The Spacious Firmament on High
    Hymn or Spiritual Songs: # 32 Great is Thy Faithfulness
    Hymn of Response: # 565 All for Jesus!
    Dismissal Hymn: # 342 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (5)

  • All were welcomed to join us at 6:00 PM for a time of fellowship, worshiping, praising, and praying for one another. One of our Missionaries shared about their ministry this evening.


Bulletin Date: 2024-07-14