Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM
Sunday School Classes (Winter 2023)
Meet the Pastor
Led by Pastor Tony Felich
Room 42 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary
For the first five weeks of the quarter, Pastor Tony introduces visitors and regular attendees to Redeemer, covering topics such as the history, leadership, theology, and ministries of Redeemer.
First Samuel
Led by Charlie Long
Room 43 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary
The books of Samuel make up an expertly structured narrative; but because it is a historical narrative, it reveals an expertly structured history. In it, God shows us the inescapable certainty of his direction of human events, along with some of the complexity of it. The books of Samuel are packed with complicated characters, most notably Samuel, Saul, and David, through whom are demonstrated the ways of God with man, the attempted ways of man with God, and God’s covenant faithfulness. This class will cover 1st Samuel.
What Did Jesus Do?
Led by Pastor Nathan Currey
Room 44 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary
A book study on biblical basics for growing in our faith by authors Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington. They help us answer questions like: How can I overcome persistent guilt? How can I deal with the pressure to measure up? Where can I find the motivation it takes to grow? How can I live the Christian life with both my head and my heart? How can I be sure God loves me? How can I change in an authentic and lasting way?
Led by Elders Glenn Timmons & Scott Creecy
Room 45 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary
Many Christians are surprised to learn that Deuteronomy is one of the most frequently quoted books in the New Testament. Why did Jesus and the Apostles teach from it so often, and what can you gain from reading it today? In this teaching series, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey connects the land, laws, and leaders of Deuteronomy to the Christian life. At first glance, this ancient book may seem irrelevant. But take a closer look, and you’ll discover how it points to the Savior and helps prepare your heart for Him. Please join us as we explore the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy.
City of God – Books 6 – 22
Led by Elder Lance Kinzer
Room 46 in the Lower Level of the Sanctuary
A seminal work by a seminal theologian Augustine’s City of God is among the most important books written in the past 1,500 years. Part 2 of this multi-quarter class will start by asking, with Augustine, “Why was Christian Rome sacked, while Pagan Rome Prospered” and will conclude with Augustine addressing us as pilgrims whose lives are animated by eschatological hope: “But the reward of the saints is far different, who even here endured reproaches for that City of God which is hateful to the lovers of this world. That City is eternal. There none are born, for none die. There is true and full felicity, — not a goddess, but a gift of God. Thence we receive the pledge of faith whilst on our pilgrimage we sigh for its beauty.”
Categories: Sunday School