WM: Deepen Your Spiritual Walk

2025 Spring Bible Studies

This Spring we are offering four Bible Studies on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Limited childcare will be available for some of the studies.
Most classes are in person, one is a Zoom meeting.

“Job: Trusting God When Suffering Comes”
(by Lydia Brownback)
Led by Carmen Creecy
January 21-May 13, 2025
9:00-10:45 AM 
Childcare is NOT available.

In the book of Job, readers see a God-honoring man lose everything he has in life. Job cries out to God in his intense grief as he tries to understand his loss. Job’s wrestling with his suffering and God’s eventual restoration teach us about trusting God in a world of pain.

Book is available here on Amazon.
Book is available here at the PCA bookstore.

Foundations of the Faith: Of the Holy Scriptures
Led by Jeffie Mussman
January 21-April 1, 2025
7:00-8:15 PM 
Location: Online via Zoom

God reveals himself through His creation, but that revelation is incomplete. To truly know God and fulfill our chief end–to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever–He has given us the Holy Scriptures. They teach us what we are to believe concerning God and what duty God requires of man.
How do we know that the Scriptures are the Word of God? How do we know that they are the only ones? How do we interpret the Bible? Can we possibly understand it on our own? As we dig into the Westminster Confession of Faith: “Of the Holy Scriptures” we seek to answer these questions among others. Then, the last three weeks of our ten week study, we will make it real using the Inductive Bible Study Methods of Observation, Interpretation & Application.
Weekly, you’ll receive a study guide which contains scriptural references, background information and discussion questions which encourage practical application of foundational truths. All background materials are drawn from G.I. Williamson’s “The Westminster Confession of Faith for Study Classes”, but purchase of the book is optional.

Optional books for purchase:
Westminster Shorter Catechism by G.I. Williamson here or on Amazon here

Judges & Ruth: Hope in the King **
(continued from Fall 2024)
Led by Janey Currey
January 8-April 16, 2025
9:00-10:45 AM
Childcare is available.
** This class is full and not open to new participants.

This Bible Study will take us deep into the history of God’s people when Israel was settling in the Promised Land after wandering in the wilderness.  “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 21:25) Prepare to have hopes raised and dashed again and again as we trace the cycle of the judges through the pages of Judges and Ruth. As the Lord raises up one deliverer after another, it becomes increasingly clear that hope is not found ultimately in man but in the God Who is the true Deliverer, the true Judge, the true Redeemer, the true King. Be encouraged in your own walk with the Lord to have enduring hope in this King of kings. He is coming!

“John: That You May Believe”
(by Kathleen Nielson)
(continued from Fall 2024, but you are welcome to join in. We will begin at John chapter 7.)
Led by Melinda Stahl
March 5-April 23, 2025
6:30-8:00 PM
Childcare is NOT available

John may be the most artful and poetic of the gospels; it demands and rewards study of its literary shape, the power of its metaphors (e.g., the I AM’s), Jesus’ deep discourses, and the beauty of his unfolding passion throughout its chapters. Jesus, the Word made flesh, emerges powerfully and personally, so it is no surprise that John sums up his gospel’s message as “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). John offers a theologically deep answer and a compelling historical narrative as to the identity and purpose of God’s anointed Son.

Book is available here on Amazon.

EPHESIANS (A Precept Study)
Led by Lorie Burton
January 22-April 16, 2025
6:30-8:00 PM
Childcare is NOT available

Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, targeted by grace, sons of God united in a single family, inheritors, holy, redeemed, forgiven, raised from the dead and seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenlies! How can you not study Ephesians!? Before Paul even hints at how believers should live, he lays a rock-solid foundation: who we are in Christ! If you think you’re just a cog in a machine, if you don’t know your true identity, then this study is for you. Praise God for what He planned in the eternity past and is waiting to reveal to you now . . . through the study of His Word. Learn who and what you are in Christ and you’ll want to walk God’s ways the rest of your life!

EPHESIANS (A Precept Study)
Led by Lorie Burton
January 23-April 17, 2025
9:30-11:00 AM
Childcare is NOT available

Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, targeted by grace, sons of God united in a single family, inheritors, holy, redeemed, forgiven, raised from the dead and seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenlies! How can you not study Ephesians!? Before Paul even hints at how believers should live, he lays a rock-solid foundation: who we are in Christ! If you think you’re just a cog in a machine, if you don’t know your true identity, then this study is for you. Praise God for what He planned in the eternity past and is waiting to reveal to you now . . . through the study of His Word. Learn who and what you are in Christ and you’ll want to walk God’s ways the rest of your life!

Prayer Vigils

Each quarter our church takes a focused time to pray for our congregation, its leaders, and our missionaries. You can sign up to pray from your home or gather with others to pray for a one hour time period. The bulletin will offer a link to sign up and get prayer guides. Mark your calendar for the upcoming vigils so you can be ready to support Redeemer Presbyterian Church:  January 5-6; April 6-7; July 13-14; and October 12-13.

On the Go

Podcast encouragement! These conversations give examples of ways to intentionally pray with others in trying circumstances, as well as specific questions or conversation starters that go beyond the basic, “How are you doing?”

Walking Together Series: LINK